I stumbled across this today and it grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go... and I struggled with whether or not to share this....I'm still struggling now as I watch a video clip of a young woman who described being raped as her brother was forced to watch and then in turn had to watch him be stabbed to death because he refused to rape her.
Words fail me right now...but I have to share this. The pain in the eyes of the women is palpable. 60 Minutes also ran a segment about this as well earlier this year, and the video can viewed here. A doctor interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper said the women there "have stopped living".
A documentary by Lisa Jackson was release last year about these atrocities and the film has been screened internationally and in select locations in the United States and also aired on HBO on April 8, 2008.
I couldn't help but wonder while watching the trailers and reading the articles on this.... where is the Christian Church in all of this? I don't believe I have heard of any prominent ministers mentioning this in thier please for money. I have a deep respect for pastor Rd Parsley who was instrumental in calling attention to the atrocities in Darfur long before this?
... as I'm typing this, I just recalled that Todd Bentley may have mentioned something similar to this in one of his messages online. There is a message called "Releasing the Virtue of Jesus" where he gives the testimony of Simon a man who was kidnapped as a child in the midst of war in Uganda and forced to be a child soldier. You can download and listen to the message here.
I can't see this and not do something . . . This website is dedicated to just that -- a chance to help and speak out for these women and children who have had these brutal and savage acts committed against them. I burn with the longing of wanting to help with more than just my finances...
Do these women and children meet someone who demonstrates the love of God through Christ? Will they ever find emotional healing for the damage done to their souls? But I have to appease myself by staying its a start... reaching out and helping those who can't speak for themselves or help themselves... its a part of the kingdom...
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