Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pray for California!

I find all kinds of things online -- some good, some bad, some of them I just "stumble upon". Lately, since the revival started, my focus on the internet is more about visiting sites that are about the Kingdom of God which includes the prophetic, the supernatural nature of God, sites with prophetic words, videos on YouTube of the revival in Lakeland, Florida, and ministers who are part of the Prophetic Movement. One of those sites I've been visiting frequently lately is
End Time Prophetic Vision which I discovered several years ago when I was living in New York, I believe shortly after re-dedicating my life to the Lord.

So I'm on End Time Prophetic Vision last night, and they get several words from different prophetic voices in the country and around the world and their latest update from June 22, 2008 has several words about California. I read one particular post that grabbed my attention, Warning for California . The warning has come through Sean Malone, who I have never heard of before, but I googled his name and found that this warning has been posted on a few other sites. Sean says that the Lord warned him about 9/11 and New Orleans before it happened and he was directed to pray for both areas. He is one of four prophets from
IHOP in Kansas City, and heads an organization, CRI that responds to natural disasters.

One thing that stood out in my search on google was a 2 hour mp3 of Sean Malone speaking at San Jose House of Prayer about the warning for California most interesting thing I found. You can listen to it here (right-click and "save target as" or "save link as", depending on the browser you are using. The "talk" he gives paints in greater detail much of what is described in the warning.

In light of the recent ruling concerning gay-marriage in California, I can't take this lightly or dismiss it as "it probably won't happen". I also found another warning about California:
Prophetic Sign for California, the same message posted on another website with links to two news articles on FOX and that spell out "what if scenarios" with a map of the area that expected to be hit the most -- Half Moon Bay near San Francisco and got this message via email today from Prophet Timothy Snodgrass. Pray for mercy, pray for grace -- pray that God's people in California will head the warnings and pray for the lost in California, especially San Francisco!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Todd Bentley's Interview with Geraldo Rivera

This past weekend, Todd Bentley was interviewed by Geraldo Rivera on Geraldo At Large live for about 5 minutes. I missed the live show, but DVR'ed the program so I could watch it when I got home from dinner with my extended family.

For the most part Geraldo was respectful, although his emphasis on money (he asked Todd about this twice in 5 minutes) was a bit much for me, but then again I am biased. :-) Although I personally wouldn't get a tattoo, piercings and tattoos don't scream "flamboyant" to me. Todd handled the interview well and I applaud him for inviting the media to scrutinize the stories of documented healings that they have collected AND to inspect his financial statements, such as his IRS filings (he is Canadian, so I'm not even sure if that applies).

Here is the video as posted on, you guessed it, YouTube:


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Todd Bentley responds to questions about Lakeland

Please read his thoughtful, insightful and heartfelt response to the uproar in the blogosphere about the Lakeland Revival/Florida Outpouring that started on April 2, and is almost 70 days old. I've ready MANY blogs, a few posters out there are brave enough to say they are convinced this is of God and either received a healing or know someone who was healed either while watching the service online or on TV or from attending a service in person.

You can watch the services daily at 10 am and 7 pm ET. View the 10 am services here after registering first and the evening services here on GOD TV's website (registration required) or here on Fresh Fire's streaming page.

For several days now I chose to "stay out of it", but after seeing this posted on a forum that I visit, and reading it for myself I'm jumping in the "fray". I'm sure before long someone anti-Lakeland will post their opinions, backed up with scripture as to why this is not of God, and they are welcome to do so.

However, please know that all the rational, theological exegesis in the world won't convince me otherwise. God is demonstrating His love for His people in Lakeland and as soon as I can I'm going there to "get some"!

God uses a 9 year old boy to touch His people!

Read about the service here and follow the link to view the video from the service. Be blessed!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

God still heals today!

I'm not sure how I stumbled on this video. I believe it was a link in a description of a YouTube video. Anyway, watch and be amazed and give praise to Jesus for the wonderful testimonies told here!

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